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> Forum Home > Support > Houdini Setup

  Sun, 13/Dec/2015 5:40 AM
1 Post

I've been trying to find some information about how to set Houdini up with Smedge, but their doesn't seem to be anything around.

How would I go about setting up Smedge to be able to submit .hip files directly without rendering to .ifd first?

When I configure the product options for my engines,the "Houdini hrender" product asks for the path to the executable "hrender.exe" which I don't have on my system. Should I be selecting a different .exe?

I know that my current Houdini configuration works, as I have successfully completed test renderings with the Deadline Licence-Free mode on 2 slaves without any further configuration from a fresh Houdini install.

I have also completed successful test renderings with 3ds Max and Smedge, so the initial setup seems correct.

Once the rendering is working, I wonder if I can use it for running simulations?

I'm really interested in Smedge as it is more within my price range for the small amount of engines I have, but correct Houdini rendering support is necessary.

Testing with 2 systems running Smedge 2015 Update 2, Houdini 15.0.312 and Windows 10 Pro x64.
  Sun, 13/Dec/2015 2:59 PM
1138 Posts

The classic way to render from Houdini is to generate your IFDs and send them through Mantra, which is how the "Houdini" product in Smedge works.

To render directly from your HIP files, you have to do a little more trickery. The hrender script actually should be run through Hython. The details of how this is run vary based on the OS. On Unix, you can just call it directly in Smedge.

However, on Windows, it takes a bit more work. At the least you can put the path to the executable to point to Hython and then add the path to the hrender script at the front of the command line. If your environment variables are set correctly, this will work.

A more robust solution is to create a very simple batch file that sets all the environment variables you need, and then starts hython with the hrender script as an argument followed by the remaining arguments to the batch file. You can see the environment variables you need by opening a Houdini command prompt and typing: SET.

I am happy to help with this bit of configuration if you need assistance. If I can connect remotely with our remote support client, I can get you up and running in a few minutes.

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