Andrea and Robin
Around the World

Currently in: Kailua, USA
Where we've been


Picture Index

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Robin and Andrea


Banana seller

The Standard Theatre

New Delhi street toilet

Avoiding the midday heat

Some friendly locals

Selling stuff for Independence Day

Robin buying street potatoes

Robin eating street potatoes

Cute Indian kid

Indian train passengers

Andrea at the train station

Train station scene

Street leading to the train station

Common Indian car

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal front on

Arabic poetry on the Taj Mahal

Door to a Tah Mahal tower

Resting in the shade

Sense of scale

Taj Mahal alternate angle

Andrea taking pictures

One of the wonders of the world

Old women resting in the shade

Our new Kashmir carpet

Cannon ball hole in the Agra fort

Sikandra's gardens of paradise

Entrance gate to the Sikandra

Monkey eating dinner

Where the antelope play

Evening washing in the Ganges

Assi Ghat in the rain

Varanasi man in rain

Holy wet cow

Cows on the move

Varanasi is not the high tech center of India

Tulsi Ghat at dawn

Another ghat on the Ganges

Our boat driver

Varanasi waterfront

Another Varanasi ghat

Varanasi waterfront building

Head shave, anyone?

The local market

Another market view

Another ghat from the land side

Public toilet

Varanasi beauty salon

Fast food, Varanasi style

Doorway near a burning ghat

A baby one!

Family shop in Varanasi

Taking photos on a busy street

On the way to scool

Varanasi gridlock

School bus

Hanging at the Varanasi train station

It's both platform and bedroom

Andrea on the train

Robin on the train

Mother Theresa's hospital

Kolkata in the rain


My kind of sports club

Kalighat, Kolkata

Kolkata Pain Clinic

A poorer Kolkata neighborhood

McDonalds delivers in Mumbai