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surfs up!! : 30 October 2003

so we took our first official surf lesson today...

yeah was so awesome, we both stood up on our first run, well for me the second run...I took a definite nose dive on my first wave, anyway, it was classic, our instructor was a 50 year surf vetran..super cool..soul surfer. We were, unfortunately, in Waikiki for this lesson, North Shore was a little too pumping for first timers. Robin was excellent, it must be a flat foot thing.

We have a great respect for the big wave riders, the ones that have to actually paddle out. In our opinion, paddling out through the waves was the hardest, well, most strenuous part...Boards up to Chris S, Michael P, Brad G and Alan B! Oh, and let's not forget my personal favorites Kelly S and Mark O!!!

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Party on dudes! But don't forget the sunblock.

Posted by Stephanie @ 10/31/2003 11:55 AM PST

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