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> Forum Home > Support > Report all jobs information

  Thu, 14/Jan/2016 1:02 AM
3 Posts
I want report the rendering status
Can I list the jobs create time ,Finish time Pool and Name?

  Thu, 14/Jan/2016 2:33 PM
1138 Posts
Sure you can do this with the Job command line shell:

Job List Created FinishedTime Pool Name -Comma

This command lists all jobs, showing the created time, finished time, pool ID and job name, with commas separating the fields. (You can use -tab for tab characters or leave it off to get one field per line.)

Note that the raw data still needs to be formatted. The times come in as a count of milliseconds since January 1, year 0. You can convert this to a more useful format with some simple math:

(smedge-time - 62135596750000) / 1000 = unix-time

the unix-time value (also known as time_t, or the number of whole seconds since January 1, 1970) can then be formatted by standard functions available in any programming or scripting language. You may also need to adjust for your time zone.

The pool is reported as the pool's ID, so you will need to look up the name from the ID. (You can use the PoolManager command line shell to get the full list of pools, and the list probably isn't going to change very often, unless you're doing something really crazy with the pools.)

You can see all of the available parameter names you can use in the command line in the Administrator Manual. You can also use the -h flag to any of the command line shells to see more information, or see more details about them in the User Manual.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

Edited by author on Thu, 14/Jan/2016 2:36 PM
  Mon, 18/Jan/2016 5:24 AM
3 Posts
Thank you very much!!

If I want have "Average Finish" time. Which command I can use??
  Mon, 18/Jan/2016 5:57 PM
1138 Posts
You can either just do the math yourself (total time / number of packets = average time), or you may want to take a look at the "History" command to the Job command line shell, which can deliver full history and calculated statistics from the Master. It may be overkill, if you just want the average time, as doing the math will be less overhead on the system.

  Wed, 20/Jan/2016 4:31 AM
3 Posts
Dear Robin,
Can I use one command line LIST I want?
"Created FinishedTime Pool Name and Average Work Time"


  Wed, 20/Jan/2016 5:16 PM
1138 Posts
You cannot get the pool name or average time directly from the command line as a single operation. The pools you can just download ahead of time and use a lookup from the ID to the name. For the average time, you can use the total time and use the parameter RangeCount to get the count of frames:

Job List Name Created FinishedTime Pool ElapsedProcessTime RangeCount

The average time will be the ElapsedProcessTime value / the RangeCount value.

If you use Herald or an event command to stash this information into a file, you could have Smedge do the average math for you. This will work anywhere that Smedge variable substitution can be used:


Note that the RangeCount parameter was added in Smedge 2016.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
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