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Would like a way to save job history
Sat, 29/Jun/2013 7:29 PM |
26 Posts
I'm terribly sorry if this feature already exists, but I can't seem to find an option for this:
I'd like a way to save the job history into a text file. I'd like to keep these logs for future use so I know how long it took what computer to render them.
I know smedge keeps large on-going log files of everything, but I just want only the info in the job history panel for that particular job.
Edited by author on Sat, 29/Jun/2013 7:31 PM |
Mon, 08/Jul/2013 9:00 PM |
1138 Posts
You can get the job history for a specific job from the Job command line shell:
Job History job-id
Use Job -h or check out the chapter on the command line shells in the User Manual for more information.
Thank you,
Thu, 11/Jul/2013 4:55 PM |
26 Posts
thanks Robin!
Fri, 26/Feb/2016 9:17 PM |
26 Posts
it's great that it's available as a command line if you happen to know or remember the job id or don't migrate to a different server.
It would really be nice to have a checkbox to export a log file to the same directory that your rendered frames go to when the job completes.
Mon, 29/Feb/2016 1:41 PM |
1138 Posts
Thanks for the input. I will see what I can add for the next release. Thank you,
Thu, 14/Apr/2016 4:52 PM |
1138 Posts
This is possible with a job-finished event on your job. Something like:
cmd /c $(SmedgeDir)Job History $(ID) > $(Scene)_history.log
This will get executed by the master when the job finishes (either when all frames finish, or if manually canceled or deleted). You may need to adjust this as needed for your pipeline.
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