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> Forum Home > Feature Requests > How to Export the Smedge Job Details in Excle Sheet

  Tue, 17/Jan/2012 12:28 AM
4 Posts
dear support,

We need to export all the completed smedge job details to excle sheet on daily basis. If we can get some tools that we import all the data to excle in one click it will be helpful for us.

Please provide with solution ASAP

Thanx And Regards
  Thu, 19/Jan/2012 2:01 PM
1138 Posts

There are several options for this. Probably the easiest is to set up Herald to monitor for the Job finished event, and dump the job details you are interested in into the end of a CSV style table that you can import into Excel. Check out the Herald documentation in the User Manual for more information.

Let me know if that helps or if you have any questions. Thanks,
  Tue, 07/Feb/2012 2:13 AM
4 Posts
Hi Robin,

Thanks for providing the solution but i can only set the following veriables


I need to add the below details in the following order but I am unable to do it.also frame range is coming (101-101) this manner. I need to seperate the start And end frames and need a total frame count column please check the below order

$(Render type)...For e.g (nuke,maya,GenaricScripts)

Can you please provide me with a solution so that I can add the above variables.to my .csv list

Dinesh Mahajan

  Wed, 08/Feb/2012 5:11 PM
1138 Posts
You can add any parameters you want that are available for the type of job you are using. You can find a full list of the parameters in the Administrator Manual. For the ones you list, here are the official names:

$(TypeString) <-- $(Type) will return the ID of the type
$(Range.Start) <-- $(SubRange) is only valid for individual work units
... <-- There is no way to get the number of frames, but since you have start and end, you can do the math yourself very easily

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